12月25日に予定しておりますケイ赤城トリオによる「JAZZ LIVE AT TIME & STYLE MIDTOWN」は、大変ご好評につき、ご予約を終了させていただきました。ご予約いただけなかった方も、立ち見とはなりますが、ご来場の上、お楽しみいただけますので、お気軽にお立ち寄りください。
1st 18:00 – 18:45
2nd 19:00 – 19:45
会場:Time & Style Midtown(六本木店)
東京都港区赤坂9-7-4 東京ミッドタウン ガレリア3階
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
1st stage 18:00 – 18:45
2nd stage 19:00 – 19:45
Time & Style Midtown
Tokyo Midtown Galleria 3F, 9-7-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Free admission
1953年生まれ。 4歳から12歳までオハイオ州クリーブランドで過ごす。5歳からピアノを習い、音楽学校(The Cleveland Music Settlement)でピアノ理論、音楽史を学ぶ。帰国後、高校在学中にジャズ音楽に接し、国際基督教大学では哲学と作曲学を学ぶ。大学卒業後に再び渡米して多くのミュージシャンと演奏を続け、1989年から1991年まで、日本人唯一のマイルス・ディビスグループのメンバーとして活動した世界的ピアニストである。
Born in 1953, Akagi spent his childhood from age four to 12 in Cleveland, Ohio, where he started taking piano lessons at the age of five and studied piano theory and music history at the Cleveland Music Settlement. Upon his return to Japan, he was exposed to jazz music while in high school and studied philosophy and music composition at the International Christian University. After completing his undergraduate degree, he moved back to the United States, where he continued to play with many musicians. He is a globally celebrated pianist who performed as the only Japanese member of the Miles Davis group from 1989 to 1991.
Born in 1988, Wakai studied classical piano and composition from the age of three and started playing double bass upon entering Meiji University. In 2013, he joined the Kei Akagi Trio as a regular member for many domestic and international tours and recordings in the United States. He is currently based in Tokyo, working with various bands and performing at sessions, including the Kei Akagi Trio, Yuki Arimasa Trio, Shota Watanabe Trio, Nao Takeuchi Quartet, Dairiki Hara Quartet, May Inoue Group, Shunya Wakai Trio, and more.
Born in 1989. Completed his undergraduate and graduate degrees in wind and percussion at the Tokyo College of Music. While in graduate school, Kira began his professional career as a member of the band of Isao Suzuki, a Japanese jazz legend. He later gained significant experience playing with various bands and musicians including Mabumi Yamaguchi (tenor saxophone) and Kenichi Nishio (trumpet), then joined the Kei Akagi Trio in 2019. He is also the organizer of the percussion ensemble group DA.DA.DOUN, actively engaged in the jazz scene.
素晴らしい音楽と演奏家たちと出会う機会を作りたい、との思いから店舗空間でのライブ活動を続けています。そして、この日常的なライブイベントを通して、ジャズレーベル「Time & Style JAZZ」が生まれました。
Kei Akagi Trioによる「Liquid Blue」(2006年)、「Circle Point」(2014年)、「Contrast & Form」(2016年)、「Aqua Puzzle」(2017年)と、これまでに4枚のアルバムをリリースしました。
Time & Style is committed to making our retail space not only a place to express our ideas for interior design, but also a comfortable place that provides experiences that enrich the lives of all who gather here. Our passion for creating opportunities to meet great music and performers has led us to continue live performances in our retail space. And our jazz label “Time & Style JAZZ” was the fruit of these regular live events.
Four albums have been released by the Kei Akagi trio: Liquid Blue (2006), Circle Point (2014), Contrast & Form (2016), and Aqua Puzzle (2017).
Liquid Blue
Circle Point
Contrast & Form
Aqua Puzzle